Thursday, 3 January 2013

2012 reads

This seems to be my annual post.. This time round what I've read in 2012.
In a few days I'll post for e.g. how many km I've flown or how much I've spent in beer in the local Spaetie.

A total of 24 books read, up from about 10 in 2011 thanks to my 30's birthday gift, a Kindle.
I started reading science fiction, thanks to my friend Pedro Pita  who has always insisted I read Asimov stuff. Reading all this imagination expanding stuff made my sleeping dreams quite more vivid (and not forgetful) and I notice my conscious creativity has also spiked (though with little productive output).

Most notable reads include Asimov's whole Foundation and Robot series, Arthur C. Clarke's the city and the stars, Orwell's Animal Farm, HG Wells' "The Time Machine" (written in 1895 and still a mind-blow, free from Gutenberg), the Autobiography of Charles Darwin where it seems he's quite a normal party animal.., 13 things that don't make sense, Numbers rule your world, Moonshot.

And still have some to finish including the outrageous 4 hour work-week, When China Rules the world and classics such as Douglas Adam's The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide, HG Wells' "War of the the Worlds", Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky.